Shared hosting and limitations of shared hosting

How wonderful it is to be able to accomplish things in the manner that you choose. Freedom or independence is something that is very vital to have, whether it is in your personal life or in your working life. It is the same with regard to your web hosting. There is a significant difference between the level of freedom you have in a shared or reseller hosting environment and the level of freedom you enjoy on a server that is privately owned or with cloud hosting.

If you are managing your website or apps in a shared environment, you will have access to a certain number of resources (including CPU, RAM, storage, and so on). If you are an end-customer who operates your website on a shared server, you may experience a sense of limitation as you begin expanding your business.

And what are the most significant drawbacks of shared hosting?

We are all aware of the tasks that are available to us in a shared hosting environment, as well as the distribution of resources and other aspects. In order to better understand the restrictions, let’s speak about what it is not able to allow.

What you get is limited in scope! 

Due to the fact that a single server is shared among a large number of users in a shared environment, each individual has restricted access to everything. Everyone must share the resources, whether it is the storage, the central processing unit, or the random access memory (RAM). In spite of the fact that we claim that sharing equals caring, this is not the reality. When you are a commercial organisation, the only thing you want to do is expand, and in order to do so, you want flexibility and scalability, which are characteristics that shared hosting does not possess. This means that a hosting reseller will only have a restricted number of clients to serve.

The alternatives to shared hosting, such as cloud virtual private servers or dedicated servers, provide you with sufficient scalability to accommodate your expansion. Cloud computing, in particular, offers a multitude of benefits to both the end users and the resellers of the service.

The programme of your choice cannot be installed on your computer

Because of the shared nature of the resources, you will only be able to make use of the technologies that are already installed on the server by the service provider. Whether or whether you are utilising a certain piece of software is entirely dependent on the service provider. It is comparable to a predetermined lunch at a restaurant, when everything, including the dish, the silverware, and the price, is already predetermined. Since you do not have root access to the server, you are unable to install any programme or application of your choosing from the list of available options.

Keep a watchful eye out for any potential vulnerabilities in the system

Every user on a shared server makes use of the same Internet Protocol address and security certificates. Such that, in the event that something occurs on the website that is adjacent to yours, it will also have an effect on you. The entire system would be impacted in the event that it were to become infected with any kind of malicious software. Through a website that is compromised, the malicious software is able to get access to the server. Consequently, if you are operating your online shopping website on a shared server, then you are in a position to fully comprehend the gravity of the existing problem.

The loading times are slow, and the website is dull

Hosting that is shared is beneficial, but it is not recommended for websites that receive less traffic, are in the process of expanding, or are operating on a limited budget. If, on the other hand, a website that receives a lot of traffic is hosted on a shared server, the website will be sluggish and boring. The end result? It will not be difficult for your clients to lose interest in the website and they will not investigate it.

Low levels of support for customers

Shared hosting provides a significantly lower degree of support when compared to some of its competitors, such as virtual private servers (VPS), dedicated servers, and cloud hosting services. You are the single owner of the space that you use on a virtual private server (VPS) or a dedicated server. You will thus receive devoted support, and the provider will take immediate action to detect and remedy any difficulties that you may be experiencing.


Here is hoping that you have understood the article. If you have any queries or doubts, please share in the comments section below.

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